‘Tis the Season to Commit to Exceptional Experiences: UX Resolutions for 2024
With December upon us, our thoughts turn to resolutions—the ways we can be better in the year to come. For us as an agency, that means constantly raising the bar for ourselves, our clients, our communities, our industry, our families, and our friends. For our UX team, whose job it is to advocate for users,

20 Years of ETR: A Conversation With Founders James Cole and Todd Doyle
It’s not easy running a successful business. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, one in five businesses fail in their first year. About 35 percent of them make it to 10 years, and just over 20 percent make it to a 20th anniversary. It’s not hard to see why. There’s competition. Lots of it.

Why Use TailwindCSS?
Tailwind bills itself as “a utility-first framework packed with classes … that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup.” Great, but what does that mean? It means Tailwind is not another UI kit like Bootstrap or Material UI, and that means your Tailwind site won’t look like every other Tailwind site…

A Definition of White Space: What It Is and How to Use It
“Let’s make sure we have enough white space so that the user can read this clearly!” Sound familiar? On any given project, you might have heard designers use terms and phrases to describe a particular layout or element of a product. “White space” is one such term, and it has a huge impact on how

A Strong Client-Agency Relationship Is Key to Digital Product Success
If you’re looking to redesign or create a new digital product, many factors come into play. You need a clear vision. You need believers on your team. You need a budget. You need to make a decision about whether to do it in-house or to partner with an agency. If working with an agency is

SEO Tips for Article Writing
Search engine optimization best practices are really important to keep top of mind so that you can make sure that the great content that you’re writing is actually getting picked up on search engines. Read on for some tips on how to write articles that maximize search visibility.

10 Design Trends You Will See in 2023
Innovation in design is driven by people’s preferences and what’s possible through the latest technology. User experience and user interface design are related practices that balance creating effective websites while piquing users’ interest by using the latest trends. The internet is a vast place and new trends are evolving all the time. With our 20

How to Be Confident In Approving Your Website’s Visual Design
So here you are, just through the discovery phase of your website. Assuming you’ve defined clear goals of the project, done the proper research, and have a solid game plan to get there, it’s time to start creating. Whether you’ve hired a freelance designer or an agency, eventually there will be that moment when you’re

How Much Does a Website Cost?
A website costs exactly the same as a house or a car or a horse. The reality is that website design and development costs can range significantly depending on your requirements and expectations. Off-the-shelf website costs Let’s start at square one (pun intended). On a high level, if you use off-the-shelf software like Squarespace and

Transforming Your Business With a Superior Digital Customer Experience
You don’t have to be Blackberry to understand what Apple got right with the iPhone. Every company must evolve to stay relevant. It’s the theory of evolution for business, but in this case it may be that the most useful (not just strong, smart, and adaptable) survive. It goes without saying that in many cases

Taking Summer Vacation? Your Customer Experience Might Thank You For It
Sunscreen? Check. Beach read? Check. New perspective on your digital properties due to the neuroscientifically supported notion of perspective taking? Check! Wharton marketing professor and neuroscientist Michael Platt believes that many complex problems can be solved by utilizing frameworks that allow us to more effectively take the perspective of others. He writes: “… stimulating activities

Best UX Pattern for a Website Navigation With Dropdown Menus
Here at ExpandTheRoom we are constantly designing and reimagining information architectures and website navigation schemes for our clients. There are many different patterns and unique challenges to address with these projects. Those challenges often become a lot more complex than you realize at the surface level. One question that comes up often is “What is

Is Your Website Losing Money in an Effort to Save Money?
Before you answer that, ask if you can see yourself in any of the following scenarios: We just launched our site! I’ve moved on to our next project. Our site has been up for a while. No one is complaining and we get solid traffic. All good! Our site is a disaster. Bounce rate is