User Research
5 Ways We’re Using Artificial Intelligence as a Web Design Agency Right Now
March 29, 2023–We are testing the many tools powered by A.I. that have arrived recently in order to see how they could help improve our processes.
Taking Summer Vacation? Your Customer Experience Might Thank You For It
July 25, 2022–Sunscreen? Check. Beach read? Check. New perspective on your digital properties due to the neuroscientifically supported notion of perspective taking? Check! Wharton marketing professor and neuroscientist Michael Platt believes that many complex problems can be solved by utilizing frameworks that allow us to more effectively take the perspective of others. He writes: “… stimulating activities
Best UX Pattern for a Website Navigation With Dropdown Menus
July 7, 2022–Here at ExpandTheRoom we are constantly designing and reimagining information architectures and website navigation schemes for our clients. There are many different patterns and unique challenges to address with these projects. Those challenges often become a lot more complex than you realize at the surface level. One question that comes up often is “What is
How to Create a UX Research Plan
December 21, 2021–You are launching a new website, your first big project as the VP of Marketing. The site launches and flops. Traffic starts declining. Customers are leaving faster than you can bring in new ones. What happened? How can you fix it? Could it have been prevented?
Data Insights Services — Measuring UX Impact and ROI
March 8, 2021–Data Insights help you go beyond assumptions about what the best solutions for your product are and instead create research-backed, measurable insights on what truly works and what can be improved. Watch or read the transcript on Kerrin McLaughlin’s presentation on how Data Insights can help your team level up.